Biography: Nizam Uddin
Life quality is depend on breath quality. Maximum people are use to taking a short breath, they cannot use their lung’s full capacity. The most significant factor in health and long life is how well our breath. Proper breathing technique is central to the ancient practices of Yoga is called Pranayama, means “the life force”. By controlling the act of breathing we can efficiently control all the various motion in the body and the different nerve currents that are running through the body. We can easily develop body, mind and soul through breath control. By Pranayama we can control our circumstances and character and can consciously harmonies the individual life with the cosmic life. The breath, directed by though under the control of the will, is regenerating force which we can utilize consciously for self-development, for healing many incurable disease in our system. It is easy to develop good breathing habits, but it need to practice Pranayama. Mainly the respiratory system is the one system of the ANS (Autonomic Nervous System) over which we have conscious control, and because air intake is essential for life, the brain responds to the respiratory system with urgency. That’s why yogic breathing can make such an impact on overall health. It’s a place where we can begin to plug into our nervous system and support its overall function and balance. Disease means imbalance of action in our inner health. Overall, with Pranayama we can balance our inner health activity and cure all kind of diseases and can survive easily.